Drug Interaction Checker & Resolver

Offers actionable support by providing recommendations for the next steps, now including a list of alternative drugs with fewer interactions!

Failing to identify and manage drug interactions accurately can result in adverse health effects and poor treatment outcomes. Review drugs & and resolve drug interactions by choosing an alternative drug that causes fewer interactions.

Resolver EN

Content provided by Medbase.
Interaction resolver EN
Select up to 20 drugs or active ingredients & see the severity of interactions
Explore scientific background behind the interaction results
Get recommendations on how to resolve interactions
NEW: Easily find alternative drugs that have fewer interactions

Available only in the App

Follow these steps to access it.


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Open the Mediately app and find the Interactions tab. Click on the button “Try for free” and start the free trial.


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Check for Interactions and click “Resolve interactions”.


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Click "Replace" to find alternatives.


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Choose from the list of alternatives or look under “Search”.

User reviews

5 stars-1

"Quality evidence is really important for me, it’s also good to see that I have recommendations and can resolve the interaction. Having references is also really important."

Clinical pharmacist

5 stars-1

"Excellent thing, super super super! I like that it’s so easy to switch between interactions and the list of medications."

MD - Internal medicine - Nephrology

5 stars

"All in one :) Great app."

Try out the app now!
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